Neo High End Light Tripod

15,000 kr

Neo High End rack Light Tripod är ett trebent rack i singel bredd.

Det finns i Matt svart eller Matt Vitt som standard finish. Special finsh finns att tillgå emot ett pristillägg.

Racken är byggbara med en standard distans på 98mm från golvet till första hyllplanet och valbara distanser 122mm,172mm, 222mm, 272mm, 322mm till resterande hyllplan.

Priset avser ett rack i standard finish med 3 hyllplan distanserade till 98mm, 172mm och 272mm. Kontakta oss för Offert på rack med annan konfiguration

Artikelnr: N/A Kategori: Varumärke:


LIGHT TRIPOD Audio rack is a lighter and more affordable version of TRIPOD.
LIGHT TRIPOD consists of a bottom base shelf fitted with three spikes.
To a basic part additional shelves are attacked subsequently fitted with steel legs ending with anti-resonance spikes in five height versions.
LIGHT TRIPOD offers possibility of stacking a rack exactly according to Your audio components that will guarantee You shelves with a usable height of 122mm, 172mm, 222mm, 272mm and 322mm..
Steel legs with a diameter of  30mm are in standard offer made of solid stainless steel.
Supporting spikes absorb unwanted vibrations of audio components that have a negative influence on the reference listening.
Shelves are made with 25mm thick MDF boards/medium-density fibreboard/.
The stock program includes two basic colours, white and black in matte finishing. Suppress undesired vibrations of your audio components and enhance your Light Tripod design.

Technical information:

Dimensions:620/547 (W/D)mm
Useful sizes:510/490 (W/D)mm
Useful height:75mm bottom shelf
Shelves:25mm MDF (medium-density fibreboard)
Sustainability for each shelf:50 kg
Design:diameter of 30mm – stainless steel
Finishes:black, white

Black, White

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